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Here's a great example of that in real life... from back in 1996 when Fast Company was a must read... article about Buckman Laboratories International:


Money quote:

"The customer is most important," he barks, sounding more like a southern football coach giving a half-time chalk-talk than a CEO. He draws an inverted pyramid with the customer at the top. "We need to be effectively engaged on the front line, actively involved in satisfying the needs of our customers."

"We need to cut the umbilical cord," he continues -- a reference to the mainframe mentality that kept people tied to the office. Buckman rattles off the numbers. "If you work a 40-hour week, you're in the office less than 25% of your time. If you travel 40% of the workweek, you're in the office less than 15% of your time. And if you're a salesperson, you're in the office 0% of your time."

This applies to ANY kind of organization, customer or not... think about this, what does it REALLY mean to be "effectively engaged on the front line?" I don't care if you're a government agency or a chemical company, there IS a front line and EVERYONE must be effecively engaged in it.

Most people in most organization aren't. It's hard work.


Interesting post on- thenonbillablehour.typepad.com,(Great blog btw) on the super client, may 7- on knowing the client, a 'long tail' kind of approach!

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