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Great advice -- words to live (and venture) by.


The argument I have against back-of-the-envelope business cases is that they fail utterly in terms of transparency and accountability when it comes to large, capital intensive investments where shareholder interests can be severely negatively impacted.

The worst assumption is typically "all other things being equal". Back of the envelope analyses must by necessity ignore both the impact of capital intensive investments on the market/industry as a whole, but also the response of competitors.

And back of the envelope sensitivity analyses (how bad could it get if assumption XYZ is off by 5%) are exponentially worse in terms of deluding management and misleading shareholders because they are just another quick and dirty justification built on the foundation of other quick and dirty justifications.

The objective ought to be elevate the realism of decision analyses that the average or even below-average manager-schmuck is able to deliver while at the same time delivering transparency and accountability.

As a closing note with respect to VC's, I just love this comment I found here: http://paul.kedrosky.com/archives/001340.html

"Anyway: having worked in a VC firm, I can tell you it is sorta like seeing the inside of a slaughterhouse: first you throw up, then you turn vegan."


Mark, do not disagree with most, but I think we've found a not-so-clear point in my post:

I'm thinking 'Business Model' (in particular at the beginning of its life, or even before) which is the broader idea of how to deliver a value to your customer and keep a good chunk for yourself.

A 'Business Case' is for me a separate step within an existing 'Business Model' - like when Intel shall decide to build a new multi billion dollar plant!

And there you are right of course, a slightly bigger sheet would be required, and less reality checking of the underlying strategy (even if that would be a good idea too) :-)

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