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Richard Rodger

Exactly. Skate to where the puck is going to be.

olivier blanchard


I wish I had a penny for every time a CEO told me "But it's worked fine for us for fifty years!"

Yeah, well... "fine" sucks.

These are the same cats who think that engaging in price wars with offshore importers is a good strategy.

Instead of innovating and constantly striving to make their products better, to connect with their customers better, they go into a weird defensive mode where suddenly, everything is about price. The first step is to look for cheaper manufacturing. The second step is to cheapen the product. The third step is to start either saying "no" to customers or charging them extra for customer service.

Next thing you know, they've become an exact replica of the lame, cheap competitor who copied their design and flooded their market with crap versions of their stuff.

The "need" is this: "Because we want to make (it) better."

Very cool post.

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