Guy Kawasaki has yet another excellent post (hep, this guy's been at it for ten days only, must say!). This time it's ten points for students called "Hindsight" of which #8 caught my eye:
"challenge the known, embrace the unknown"
Then there is Chris Nel over at Tom Peter's where asking for help - "Solution to My Solution Issue, Please!";
"Is all this "solution speak" just management b&*s£@t? Has anyone done any serious work on what solution is?""
A bit earlier I argued against the classic VC and expert attitude that you need a solution to a problem to make any sense at business creation.
To all I would add:
Solution requires a problem, and a problem is always a known.
Solving a problem is useful of course, and even necessary - but it will never allow for a quantum leap, a paradigm shift.
The unknown has no known problems, and it is in the unknown where the future lies.
Thus being in the business of delivering solutions you will never be able to jump the curve to the next curve.