Quiet here, but I'm having a great time testing, testing and testing our little system :)
Just like I always say - this is like Lego!
I build cool and complicated (business) models from generic building blocks, and I get the same the kick out of doing it.
"Being not having" to paraphrase Eric Fromm.
"Hmm, how should this process run... what is really an invoice - a real object or really something represented by another object?... Should this event happen first or later?... What follows this snippet of process? What precedes it? etc. etc."
Using atomised building blocks really makes one rethink the basics.
Hard to get a Lego model elegant in one try, ditto for a business model...
Feels like being nine years old again, on the carpet in my room, door locked, lemonade and cookies at the ready, no parents in sight and a huge box of building blocks - dreaming, scheming, building, testing, trying, ripping apart and starting over.
How time flies!
And it works, wow! Just now running my own little virtual bike factory doing all what has to be done there and showing reports and accounts and whatnot.
When bored with procuring frames and wheelsets I flip over to a virtual hospital and run that too, giving Mr. Peter Patient all kinds of ailments and treatments.
Yikes, making software is fun!
OK, OK, it does not look like much yet, more like Mr. Daimler's first four wheeler - quirky handles all over the place. But it did move and steer!
The E-class will follow, S-class a bit later :)
And next week I'll be in Geneva at Lift06 for what I am sure will be invigorating and good fun. Will bring skies for some weekend nature romping too.
And I've had the pleasure of being invited to show a bit of what we're up to - all of 15 minutes, that will be fun too, at least for me... :)
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