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Don't worry, I am ...

Drinking wine with James and Hugh - how could that NOT be productive?

David Terrar

Sig - thanks for meeting David Squared. It was good fun, and we look forward to getting our hands on the product as soon as. We're going to try to pull you in a particular direction, so we've got lots to talk about.

Dennis Howlett

Dang - and here I am stuck on the Costa Blanca with no valid passport - but yesterday was Paddy's Day so not all bad. And we still have 60+ bottles of excellent French wine.

Henriette Weber Andersen

dear Sig,

it was really cool to finally get to chat with you *s* looking forward to see you again

James  Governor

i am just guilty now for not blogging sig yet...

Dennis Howlett

I forgot - if Hugh was there was any Stormhoek involved?


No Stormhoek this time, testing the competition ;)

Actually, James is a very well versed wine enthusiast so we blissfully followed in his footsteps!



Belatedly, to jog your memory here's the link to the CRM issue I mentioned to you at the geek dinner.


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