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john dodds

You're right. This all arises from a misconception of what marketing really is (a misconception held by many marketing people as well as lots of non-marketers). Promotion which most people confuse with marketing is only a small part of the whole thing - the most important part of which is the product/service.

Start here http://makemarketinghistory.blogspot.com/2006/04/branding-myth.html

Milan Davidovic

re: "what value are you going to deliver to what customer and how are you going to use your resources to attain that and keep some of it for yourself?"

How about "how are you going to use your resources to create value, and how are you going to share it with others?"

Probably not commercial enough, eh?


Milan, of course - two ways of saying the same - sharing indeed includes some for me :)

When you create value - some to customer, he's happy, then keep a "share" for yourself - voila all happy, sustainable business and absolutely quite commercial as well as altruistic in essence ;)

Milan Davidovic

re: two ways of saying the same

Okay, I can see how you can see it that way. To me, your way is "create for others, keep some for self"; mine is "create for self, share with anyone else who happens to be interested". Hence my remark about "not commercial enough".

But maybe if you feel enough "oneness" with the rest of the world, there really is no difference.

At any rate, your post really got me thinking; many thanks for that.

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