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Peter Kua

A method I always find useful: Whatever you're thinking, try thinking the opposite. It always results in some ideas that are creative, amidst a lot of ridiculous ones :)

Lars Plougmann

What the trout is thinking: "Time is fun when you are having flies" - until he gets hooked.


Ouch Lars, I had the hope nobody would notice that the meaning of fly fishing is to hook @ land @ eat!

While I think the relationship with customers should be a tad different ;)

Although... hmmm... just hit me I do know of companies that behave like fly fishers: My ISP (two seconds to get going on the web, almost impossible to get out again), Insurance companies, proprietary file formats, DRMs... ouch again. Hook @ Land customer handling!

Should be feed @ share...

Diane Ensey

And don't forget - when the customer/trout takes a taste, set the hook and play them gently. Let 'em run a bit and then easy them back in while they are thinking.

Luckily, in the real world the government doesn't regulate catch and release for customers. I still use barbless hooks though.


Diane, or... rather vice versa, permission marketing, and something Seth Godin and Doc Searls would agree to: The customer is the "catcher" we the suppliers of services and products merely biting as we see the hooks coming!

Ah, now it gets complicated... hope those hooks are barbless...

...I better go make inviting ripples now :D

Arnie McKinnis

Good analogy -- and in most (big)companies, the problem is not in the preparation, it's in the enthusiasm and execution for the actual "fishing".

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