Saw that Mr. Gates was hoping for the new season of the 24 series on DVD as Xmas present, so being curious I sat down with season five to check out what passes as geeky-corporate holiday entertainment.
My two cents':
65% Dysfunctional organisational hierarchies (could have been the selling point for some viewers, fuzzy "feel at home" perhaps?).
20% Blatant unethical behaviour among the heroes.
14% Standard bad guy behaviour.
1% Suspense.
Boy, what crap.
[Update from further studies: 80% of all sentences that marks a plot twist or that are supposed to heighten my pulse contains the words "report to". Nerve gas and guns are mere props, "who's your new boss" is the truly threatening stuff. Scary, scary... :)]
Hi Sig! I was wondering how you did them statistics... But I suppose that is beyond the poing. Now, what would you consider a good thing to watch over the holidays?
Posted by: Dannie Jost | December 16, 2006 at 18:29
Hi Dannie!
Ah, the statistics, very thoroughly using much precaution to gather the facts and... eh... I got the sum right did I not? That's good enough I would think ;)
Hehe, nahh, just that when I was a kid "hände hoch!" was the thing now it's "I'm your new boss!" - progress eh?
Good question, what would I recommend? "Love actually", "About a boy" perhaps in the very light genre, or some series... "Firefly" (sadly only one season, boy stuff though), "West Wing" I have to admit I like a lot, anything Jaques Tati, Wallace and Gromit of course, ah, and yes, "Les Triplettes de Belleville"! ;)
Posted by: sig | December 16, 2006 at 18:58
Thanks Sig. I think I could get stuck or borrow your DVD library and not regret it.
Posted by: Dannie Jost | December 16, 2006 at 19:39
So if 24 is all about hierarchies and command-n-control, does that make Bauer the "maverick at work"?
Posted by: Ric | December 17, 2006 at 01:41
Ric, yep, he would be my inhouse undercover thingamy implementer, not too fuzzy about chain-of-control, a doer, able to understand the incomprehensible, impervious to pain... :D
Posted by: sig | December 17, 2006 at 07:01
Of all those characteristics, "impervious to pain" is probably the most useful in a command hierarchy ...:-)
Posted by: Ric | December 17, 2006 at 23:14