Sounds boring? And very safe I guess.
But not necessarily - I've got a friend who's partner at one of the oldest, based in St Gallen, a city even the Swiss think is old fashioned.
Otto is a partner at Wegelin & Co, and amongst his partners you will find Dr. Konrad Hummler who is the author of their frequently published news letter (In English, German, French and Italian - how's that's for service!).
At first glance a thoroughly dry Swiss private bank kind of discussion paper on financial matters of interest to the wealthy and conservative.
But read it and you'll be surprised! Why this man does not have a blog is beyond me! Not only well written but showing quite some lack of respect of the old ways and established truths when need be.
This morning, I enjoyed his "Literary award vs. poetry slam" which I cheekily took as support in questioning the phenomena of "Best practices" via poetry sessions no less (Yes, Thomas, I know, this is stretching it... :)
Not the typical theme you'd expect from a Swiss banker...
If we are doing that multi-lingual poetry thingy...
Ich ging im Walde
So für mich hin,
Und nichts zu suchen,
Das war mein Sinn.
Im Schatten sah ich
Ein Blümchen stehn,
Wie Sterne leuchtend
Wie Äuglein schön.
Ich wollt es brechen,
Da sagt' es fein:
Soll ich zum Welken,
Gebrochen sein?
Ich grubs mit allen
Den Würzeln aus,
Zum Garten trug ichs
Am hübschen Haus.
Und pflanzt es wieder
Am stillen Ort;
Nun zweigt es immer
Und blüht so fort.
I discovered this having learnt German (badly) as an adult. Makes me wish I'd done German Lit...Goethe would have rocked any slam session. Byron too actually...
Posted by: Thomas Otter | February 05, 2007 at 17:25
that's the spirit!
And knowing you're a father, appreciate nature and do visit Switzerland every now and then go get the "Bettmümpfeli" by Karin Meffert to read aloud for your kids, nice dreams will ensue!
Not quite Goethe, but amazing stuff... :)
Posted by: sig | February 05, 2007 at 17:50