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Sounds like some "Vendor Relationship Management" going on ...


Hehe, yep, my particular brand as an answer to the "CRM" wave!

Yikes, even the part term "Relationship Management" makes me shudder...


Yes it's an ugly term, but designed specifically to contrast to CRM - see
http://projectvrm.org/ which references a bunch of work that Doc Searls and friends are doing ... maybe Thingamy can help?


Hmm, interesting... think I do remember something about Doc once using the "rental car" example!

Will study, but first reaction is a bit "reaction to something stupid (being managed as customers)" while it should be the vendors who should drop all that CRM crap (ehem) and open up so there would be a real "relationship" between the two.

I'm still in no doubt that the one's who does will win, even if they send a few customers to their competitors in the process when they cannot deliver!

In that sense, but not directly linked is this one: http://www.bromptonbicycle.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=Links.listlinks&CategoryID=11
Brompton bikes with links to and nice write-ups on all their competitors - that makes me trust them, and more, it shows they're a grown up and self confident company! Yay.

Clive Birnie

Sig, don't forget financial services co's. our bank disconnected web payments without consulting us and then made us go back through the entire sign up procedure from scratch to switch back on so we were down for several days. Followed that by failing to send us new bacs smart cards when the old ones expired and then sent ones that would not work with the software so we had to upgrade. Took 2days and 37 phone calls to fix their errors. Well they had to follow the rules... all part of the service!


Clive, there you go!

A few thoughts:

1) All the big ones that we're dependent on are like that - banks, telecoms, utilities...
2) Then, nuts really, when competition ensues by opening up the monopolies like for the telecoms, they simply clone! That's "best practices" in practice that is!
3) Being "customer oriented" have no effect whatsoever as long as the dysfunctional hierarchical business model delivery system exist.

and, most important:

What a huge opportunity! Everybody hates their guts, we read about bad experiences every day, hear hair raising stories at lunch... I think we customers would smell the "right kind of company" a mile away!

Hmm, time for a new post ;)

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