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Balaji Sowmyanarayan

Education is one area where 'one size fits all' does not cut the ice. And a wonderful place to apply thingamy's capture value-add as it happens paradigm. Where the flexibility and precision be handy.

And it will make a good case study/use case to cross market to the enterprise.

Much of the present day grading and assessment is about standard skills. The assembly line grind. But one important purpose of education is to spot and nurture the uniqueness of individuals. How can Thingamy's 'Barely repeatable processes' features help capture the (student's)uniqueness. And pass it it on to different players and phases through out the life cycle of a student passing through the (education)system?

And an aside, the role you play, the lingo you use, the tools you are familiar with in many ways limits one's perspective! Hat tip to you for breaking free from some of them be it trying out a new( getting lost) sport or hanging out with bunch of educators.



thanks! And yes, I think we're in a perfect spot for this area - bottom up IT implementation is where I think we could shine while prototyping on the fly, sparking ideas for further tweaks... weekend planned for some extreme prototyping now ;)

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