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Thomas Otter

I wasn't at the event, but I can see your point.

I felt at the last Sapphire Leo got it right with his more customer focused speech. I live blogged it here.
I wonder if it is the same Paul that commented there.

I spend my days talking to business executives in our customer base, and I see tremendous power in letting them do the talking. Last month we had 40 customers in a room talking about shared service. Yes, they knocked the gui and a couple of other things, but 90% of the feedback is positive. We had one prospect in the meeting and they were amazed by the openness and deep connection between SAP and its customers.

Not everything is perfect, but there are 10000s of businesses that trust SAP. Our critics tend to forget this. We Sapplers need to remind them.

keep the posts coming.


Hi Thomas!

I am sure you're right - and obviously these things are never black & white.

What the post reflects is more of an effort to siphon some underlying red thread of "where's the focus".
I could counter my views by choosing certain slides from here and there - but what matters is the overall puzzle, the pattern of things that starts to emerge after being fully immersed in keynotes, discussions and presentations.

I think you will remember from Munich and TechEd that I was all over the place asking and poking what the co-innovation theme really meant: Innovating SAP products with the help of customers or innovating at the customer with the help of SAP. A fine line and if at all, not a big difference, but it was more of the same - where's the focus? "Our technology and products" or "our customer's value innovation and creation".

Already at TechEd this skewness towards the first, our technology, started to emerge in my mind. Right or wrong, it's a fun and important issue to tinker with. Would be happy to be rebuked on the focus, but then the message has to be tweaked ;)

Paul P Magee

@Thomas. Ha ha, no, different guy, same love of Kathy's work. Great Paul's think alike? :)

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