Been quiet for awhile now, and not because I've had a spot of vacation, quite the opposite.
Delivery-time now, meaning programming, helping to build a new business model (and delivery using Thingamy of course) for a very interesting and ambitious startup. Now stuff's ready as POC.
New RESTful API, new front end engine in Rails (no less) and lo and behold, good fun all of it. Allowing me to hash around with the interfaces like I've never been able to before. PUI, Process User Interface, on-device. Actually started with the iPad/iPhone and cloned to normal browser.
In addition, found that all the tinkering with "Projects" and "Cases" and whatnot led me one day to say "bugger all those terms" it's all "work" and the people doing it are "workers" and most "work" is collaborative and Barely Repeatable. Full stop. One system to do all work, simple ain't it?
So here's such a thing:
Soon back with normal posting, have a few brewing already, just need a couple of dips in the pool and some cycling in the back country in between so I won't miss vacations too much :)